Baiyun industrial projects start construction in August

Updated : August 15, 2023

Three major industrial projects broke ground in August in the Baiyun district of Guangzhou, local media outlets reported on Aug 14.

The Phase II project of the Donggu Center is a 60,000-square-meter automotive-themed commercial complex, which aims to be an automotive industry innovation demonstration area. It's expected to generate an annual output value of 1.5 billion yuan ($206 million) within five years of operations.


A rendering of the Donggu Center Phase II project. [Photo/WeChat account: gz_baiyunfabu]

The Guangdong Nafy Headquarters Intelligent Manufacturing Base is an intelligent manufacturing facility that will integrate a headquarters and new medical hygienic materials research and production center.

With a total construction area of 107,000 sq m, it will cost 600 million yuan and is expected to have an annual output value of 1 billion yuan when it starts operating in 2025.

The Gaoshi International Industrial Park will be located between two metro line stations and it will adopt innovative designs and green energy-saving technologies. It will aim to attract emerging industries such as next-generation information technology, AI, new materials, smart homes and digital customization.

The industrial park is scheduled to be completed in December 2024 and enterprises can move in by the end of that year.


A rendering of the Gaoshi International Industrial Park. [Photo/WeChat account: gz_baiyunfabu]

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