Shahe rice noodles

Updated : May 15, 2023

Shahe rice noodles originated in Shahe Town near Baiyun Mountain in Baiyun district of Guangzhou; hence their name. They are popular staple in South China’s Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan province.

The noodles feature white color, transparency, slippery and chewy texture, and a natural flavor of rice. Their production process consists of ingredient selection, grinding and steaming. Rice and water quality determines the delicacy. Spring water from Maofeng Mountain and rice from Kaiping in Guangdong province are the best for making Shahe rice noodles.

In 2011, the traditional production technique of Shahe rice noodles was included in the list of municipal intangible cultural heritage in Guangzhou and recognized as a form of Guangdong provincial cultural heritage in 2012.


Shahe rice noodles [Photo/official WeChat account of Baiyun district]

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