Baiyun hosts 4th Guangzhou Internet Enterprise Fun Run

Updated : March 20, 2023


The 4th Guangzhou Internet Enterprise Fun Run is held on March 18. [Photo/WeChat account: gz_baiyunfabu]

The 4th Guangzhou Internet Enterprise Fun Run was held in Baiyun Lake Park, Baiyun district on March 18. The fun run covers a total of 7 kilometers, with six check-in points along the route, as well as a bazaar and an interactive area.

This year's fun run raised money through donations and pledges, where the farther a participant ran, the more money an enterprise would donate. All proceeds were then donated to better the lives of children in rural areas.

The event also aimed to showcase the development achievements of Baiyun Lake Digital Technology City and increase its popularity. The event was also an invitation to other internet enterprises, as well as the general public, to come and settle on the shores of Baiyun Lake.

Currently, Baiyun district's digital economy is driving its high-quality development. With the Baiyun Lake scenic area as its ecological core, Baiyun Lake Digital Technology City has attracted a number of first-class domestic science and innovation platform projects.


Baiyun Lake. [Photo/WeChat account: gz_baiyunfabu]

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