Metro line connecting Baiyun, Huadu makes progresses

Updated : March 7, 2023

The Guangzhou Metro Line 8 north extension project (Jiaoxin Station to Guangzhou North Station) is making progress, local media outlets reported on Mar 6.

The extension of Metro Line 8 is set to be about 20.7 kilometers long and will be laid underground. This project is also planned to pass through Guangzhou's Baiyun and Huadu districts.

The line will have 11 stations in total, among which five are transfer stations, including Jianggao Station, Jiangfu Station and Dongjing Station.

Upon its completion, the line will run through Guangzhou's urban axis, and link the city's core functional areas such as Baiyun Lake Digital Technology City, Datian Railway Economic Industrial Park and Guangzhou Airport Economic Zone.

It will also fill the rail transit gap from downtown Guangzhou to Huadu district, and will increase the passenger flow from Huadu and Baiyun to the city's urban area, thus improving the service level of Guangzhou's rail transit network.

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