100m+ landmark building in north Baiyun capped

Updated : July 27, 2022


Yiyun Science and Technology Innovation Center is capped on July 25. [Photo by Liu Xibing/WeChat account: gz_baiyunfabu]

Yiyun Science and Technology Innovation Center, the first project of the Baiyun Smart Supply Chain Logistics Headquarters Cluster, finished its main structure construction on July 25.

With a height of over 100 meters, the new landmark in Baiyun is located on Dayuan Street in Shihu village. It covers an area of 47,605 square meters and comprises 29 grade-A office buildings, four of which will be high-rise buildings. It will strive to become a headquarters base for the smart supply chain industry. 

The capped center is one of the four high-rise buildings, while the other three are expected to be capped by the end of this year. The center has now attracted more than 60 enterprises that intend to settle in it.

Liu Zhiyuan, chairman of Guangzhou Yiyun Supply Chain Technology, said that the company will start building supporting entertainment facilities this October, including a 180,000-sq-m large commercial complex, a 50,000-sq-m five-star hotel, and a 35,000-sq-m art park.

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