Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition Space opens in Baiyun

Updated : May 24, 2022

“The space will mainly present substantial projects, while folk projects will be displayed through video and audio clips. Chinese boxing will also be performed here,” said Yao Yuehua, director of the intangible cultural heritage protection center of Baiyun district.

The space is not only an exhibition area for Baiyun projects, but will also introduce municipal, provincial and national-level projects, providing a richer and diversified cultural experience.


A set of Guangzhou-style hardwood furniture is displayed at the Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition Space in Baiyun district, Guangzhou. [Photo/]

The Baiyun intangible cultural heritage protection center will cooperate with relevant parties to build museums, creative workshops, theaters, libraries and training centers in the next phase, Yao said. It will provide investment and financing services for intangible cultural heritage innovation, create online and offline transaction chains, and build an innovation and entrepreneurship platform in the field. High-quality rural Cantonese cuisine attractions and gourmet maps with Baiyun characteristics will also be developed.

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