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Flower arranging art flourishes in Guangzhou | Updated:2017-09-18

A special flower arrangement exhibition featuring works created by famous flower arrangement artists from Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao was held from Sept 9 to 13 in Guangzhou.

The exhibition was held at Chen Shuren Memorial Hall showcasing a total of 25 flower arrangement works created by artists including Zhang Chao and Zhong Aibing.

The event was organized by Zhang and his student Hu Xiaowa and aims to promote traditional Chinese flower arrangement art which has a history of more than 3,000 years.


Zhang Chao, a famous flower arrangement artist, teaches a visitor the techniques of traditional Chinese flower arrangement. [Photo/] 

Apart from admiring the works at the exhibition, visitors can also attend flower arrangement classes given by Zhang and Hu and learn how to make their own displays during the class.

Originated in the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC), traditional Chinese flower arrangement was exceptionally popular in Tang Dynasty (618-907) and Song Dynasty (960-1279). In 2008, the techniques of the special art were added into the list of China's intangible cultural heritage.

"Traditional Chinese flower arrangement has high aesthetic value, cultural value and historical value and combines art with our daily lives," said Wang Lianying, a flower arrangement master and teacher of Zhang.

"We all must work hard to pass it down from generation to generation." 


Visitors admire the flower arrangement works created by artists at Chen Shuren Memorial Hall in Guangzhou. [Photo/] 


A flower arrangement work by Hu Xiaowa is on show at the exhibition held at Chen Shuren Memorial Hall. [Photo/]


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