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Consulates | Updated:2017-09-01


Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Guangzhou

Consul General/Head of Consular Post: Hwang Soon-taik

Covers: Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Hainan

District: 18 Youlin Sanlu, Chigang Consular Zone, Haizhu District

Postcode: 510310

Tel/Fax: 020-29192999 /29192980

Consulate General of Japan in Guangzhou

Consul General/Head of Consular Post: Saito Norio

Covers: Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Hainan

District: Garden Hotel, 368 Huanshi Donglu, Yuexiu District

Postcode: 510064

Tel/Fax: 020-83343009 /83338972

Consulate General of Viet Namin Guangzhou

Consul General/Head of Consular Post: Nguyen Tien Hong

Cover: Guangdong

District: 6/F, Tower A, Hotel Landmark Canton, Qiaoguang Lu, Yuexiu District

Postcode: 510115

Tel/Fax: 020-83305911/83305915

Consulate General of Cambodia in Guangzhou

Consul General/Head of Consular Post: Hour Sophara

Covers: Guangdong, Fujian, Hainan

District: 8/F, East Tower, Garden Hotel, 368 Huanshi Donglu, Yuexiu District

Postcode: 510064

Tel/Fax: 020-83879005/83879006

Consulate General of Kuwait in Guangzhou

Consul General/Head of Consular Post: Malek H M A Alwazzan

Covers: Guangdong, Fujian, Hainan, Guangxi

District: 10A-10D, Concord Center, 57 Linjiang Dadao, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District

Postcode: 510623

Tel/Fax: 020-38078070/38078007

Consulate General of Thailand in Guangzhou

Consul General/Head of Consular Post: Vasin Ruangprateepsaeng

Covers: Guangdong, Hainan

District: 36Youhe Lu, Chigang Consular Zone, Haizhu District

Postcode: 510310

Tel/Fax: 020-83858988-0/83889567

Consulate General of Indonesia in Guangzhou

Consul General/Head of Consular Post: Ratu Silvy Gayatri

Covers: Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Hainan

District: 2/F, Dong Fang Hotel, 120 Liuhua Lu, Yuexiu District

Postcode: 510016

Tel/Fax: 020-86018772 /86018773

Consulate General of Laos in Guangzhou

Consul General/Head of Consular Post: Bounpan Kongnhinsayaseng

Covers: Guangdong, Hainan, Jiangxi, Fujian

District: Rm. 1103, 11/F, Main Tower, Guangdong International Building, 339 Huanshi Donglu, Yuexiu District

Postcode: 510098

Tel/Fax: 020-83340710/83327306

Consulate General of India in Guangzhou

Consul General/Head of Consular Post:Y.K. Sailas Thangal

Covers: Guangdong, Fujian, Hunan,  Hainan, Yunnan, Sichuan, Guangxi

District: 14/F, HNA Tower, 8 Linhe Zhonglu, Tianhe District

Postcode: 510610

Tel/Fax: 020-8550150105/85501510

Consulate General of Singapore in Guangzhou

Consul General/Head of Consular Post:Chua Teng Hoe

Covers: Guangdong, Hainan, Hunan, Guangxi,Yunnan,Guizhou

District: Rm. 2418, CITIC Plaza Office Tower, 233 Tianhe Beilu,Tianhe District

Postcode: 510613

Tel/Fax: 020-38912345/38912933

Consulate General of Malaysia in Guangzhou

Consul General/Head of Consular Post: Muzambli Bin Markam

Covers: Guangdong, Fujian, Hainan, Jiangxi, Hunan

District: 19/F, CITIC Plaza Office Tower, 233 Tianhe Beilu,Tianhe District

Postcode: 510613

Tel/Fax: 020-38770765/38770769

Consulate General of Philippines in Guangzhou

Consul General/Head of Consular Post: Marie Chalotte G•Tang

Covers: Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, Hainan

District: 7/F, Main Tower, Guangdong International Building, 339 Huanshi Donglu, Yuexiu District

Postcode: 510098

Tel/Fax: 020-83311461/83330573

Consulate General of Kyrgyzstan in Guangzhou

Consul General/Head of Consular Post: Maksat Ishenbekovich Tentimishov

Covers: Guangdong, Fujian, Jiangxi, Hunan, Hainan, Guangxi

District: Rm. 707, Grand Tower, 228 Tianhe Lu, Tianhe District

Postcode: 510620

Tel/Fax: 020-38013875/38013472

Consulate General of Sri Lanka in Guangzhou

Consul General/Head of Consular Post: Shereen Shanika Dissanayake

Covers: Guangdong, Fujian, Hainan, Guangxi, Jiangxi

District: M02, Garden Hotel, 368 Huanshi Donglu, Yuexiu District

Postcode: 510064

Tel/Fax: 020-83652857 / 83652857

Consulate General of Turkey in Guangzhou

Consul General/Head of Consular Post: Batu Kesmen

Covers: Guangdong, Fujian, Hainan, Guangxi

District: 23A, Development Center, 3 Linjiang Dadao, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District

Postcode: 510623

Tel/Fax: 020-37853093/ 37853496

Consulate General of Pakistan in Guangzhou

Consul General/Head of Consular Post: Ali Ahmed Arain

Covers: Guangdong, Fujian, Hunan, Hainan, Guangxi

District: Rm. 705-706, Grand Tower, 228 Tianhe Lu, Tianhe District

Postcode: 510620

Tel/Fax: 020-85505679/85505682

Consulate General of Israel in Guangzhou

Consul General/Head of Consular Post: Yaacov Avrahamy

Covers: Guangdong, Fujian, Hainan, Guangxi

District: 19/F, Development Center, 3 Linjiang Dadao, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District

Postcode: 510623

Tel/Fax: 020-85130509/85130555

Consulate General of Iran in Guangzhou

Consul General/Head of Consular Post: Ali Reza Salarian

Covers: Guangdong, Fujian, Hunan, Guangxi

District: Unit 8B1, Concord Center, 57 Linjiang Dadao, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District

Postcode: 510623

Tel/Fax: 020-83278495 / 83278491

Consulate General of Qatar in Guangzhou

Consul General/Head of Consular Post: Ali Ghanem A.F.Al-Hajri

Covers: Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Hainan

Consulate General of Saudi Arabia in Guangzhou

Consul General/Head of Consular Post: Mohammed Abdullah H. Alburaithin

Covers: Guangdong, Fujian, Guangxi, Hainan

District: Rm. 2607-2612, Central Tower, No 5 Xiancun Road, Tianhe District

Postcode: 510623

Tel/Fax: 020-87578750/87577786

Consulate General of United Arab Emirates in Guangzhou

Consul General/Head of Consular Post: Rahma Abdulrahman Alshamsi

Covers: Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan

District: Rm. 2405-2407, Central Tower, No 5 Xiancun Road, Tianhe District

Postcode: 510623

Tel/Fax: 020-85279857/85279863

Consulate General of Nepal in Guangzhou

Consul General/Head of Consular Post: Ravi Bhattarai

Covers: Guangdong, Fujian, Guangxi, Hainan

District: Rm. 1109, East Tower of Tianying Plaza, No 222 Xingmin Road, Tianhe District

Postcode: 510623

Tel/Fax: 020-87066400/87066402

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