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Fuzhou-Matsu ship route sees passenger growth in H1

gofujian.com.cn | Updated: 2024-07-02

In the first half of this year, the number of passengers traveling on the Fuzhou-Matsu ferry route increased by 44 percent, with a total of 29,129 inbound and outbound passengers.

Passenger traffic has been steadily increasing since the resumption of the Fuzhou-Matsu ship route in 2023. Since April 1, the frequency of flights on this route has doubled to eight daily, restoring the route density to pre-pandemic levels.

Most passengers on the Fuzhou-Matsu ferry route are visiting family or traveling as tourists, with a rising number also coming for business inspections in Fujian. The route is valued for its efficient services, short travel time, ease of transfer to Taiwan Island, and affordability, making it a crucial link in cross-Strait exchanges.

To manage the peak summer passenger flow on the Fuzhou-Matsu ferry route, the Fuzhou entry and exit frontier inspection station will collaborate closely with relevant departments, providing attentive services for passengers with special needs, such as elderly, young, sick, or pregnant individuals, to ensure smooth customs clearance.

Considering the numerous families, cultural events, and diverse needs of the elderly and young travelers, the station has introduced specialized channels like "folk activities" to enhance the travel experience and foster a convenient living circle between Fuzhou and Matsu.

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