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Min Opera, ballet present cultural feast in Fuzhou

gofujian.com.cn | Updated: 2023-07-06


Chinese Min Opera performer and Russian ballet dancer perform together in Fuzhou. [Photo by Chen Ai/WeChat ID: image_fz]

Chinese Min Opera performers and Russian ballet dancers performed their respective skills on the same stage at the Fuzhou Strait Culture and Art Centre in Fuzhou, Fujian province, on June 29, presenting a multicultural performance that wowed the audience.

The Imperial Russian Ballet presented the timeless classic "Swan Lake." During the intermission, Huang Yunjie, a Min Opera performer from Fuzhou, along with Tarasov Aleksandr and Odette Odile, the male and female leads of the ballet troupe, greeted the audience with distinct etiquette in their respective styles. The duo amazed the audience with their dance skills.

Despite their contrasting styles, the three performers showcased distinct yet harmonious dance skills, creating a highly enthusiastic atmosphere on stage. The cultural collision between China and Russia burst out amazing sparks and applause.


Chinese Min Opera performers and Russian ballet dancers showcase their respective skills. [Photo by Chen Ai/WeChat ID: image_fz]

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