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Locals recall how Xi saved ancient artifacts

By QIN JIZE,CAO DESHENG and HU MEIDONG | China Daily | Updated: 2020-12-18


A stone tablet directs visitors to the museum. [Photo/Xinhua]


During an inspection tour in Gansu province last year, Xi made his first stop at Dunhuang, home to the Mogao Grottoes, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, as he highlighted the importance of the fine traditional culture in the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

In an article published in Qiushi Journal, the flagship magazine of the CPC Central Committee, on Dec 1, Xi noted that the great spirit of the Chinese nation and fine traditional culture are sources of inner strength to realize national rejuvenation and should be carried forward in the light of new realities.

Saying the nation's strong confidence in its path, theory and system is based on confidence in its culture formed over 5,000 years, Xi called for greater importance to be attached to archaeological work so it can provide support for continuing the fine traditional Chinese culture and strengthening cultural confidence.

Experts said the protection of Wanshouyan's heritage reflected Xi's governance philosophy in terms of the history and culture that are sources of China's soft power.

As the relics emerged, scholars nationwide began to visit Wanshouyan, which in 2000 was listed as one of China's top 10 archaeological discoveries.

Within a year, it was rated by different levels of government, from city to national level, as a cultural heritage site under key protection.

New findings have been made in the past 20 years. More than 800 stone artifacts and tools have been found during archaeological digs, with the most recent discovery dating from 10,000 to 30,000 years ago.


To further improve the area's natural environment, many factories nearby were closed in 2012, and the routes of some roads used for cargo transportation were changed.

In 2016, some 3 million yuan was spent to clear away the slag left by the former steel manufacturer.

The industry also has its own legacy. Last year, an old factory building reopened as a tourist center after renovation work and a hiking trail was created around the site.

More such locations will be turned into tourist attractions featuring eco-friendly agriculture and local folk culture, according to the city government.

Yanqian's villagers are also benefiting from tourism, as more than 80,000 people have visited an archaeological park that opened in June last year.

"With tourists coming to Wanshouyan, the archaeological discoveries have become known to more and more people," said villager Deng Jigen. "Our wallets are getting fatter, too."

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