Reform and construction of the social security system has mainly concentrated in two areas for more than a decade.
Launching FTA negotiations between China and ASEAN has become a new endeavor by China in establishing FTA.
In our analysis of the economic situation in the first half of 2002, we concluded that the self-growth ability of the Chinese economy1 had become visibly stronger.
Analyzing the factors affecting the changes in the investment-consumption relationship is absolutely necessary to interpreting the causes and mechanism of this relationship and forecasting the future trend of its changes.
The consumer goods market in general maintained a steady growth in the year, but the growth rate declined to some extent.
Full employment, economic growth, price stability and balance of payments equilibrium are the four major goals of the governments in various countries to administer the economies.
The 16th National Congress of the CPC proposed that China should “braze a new trail for industrialization, featuring high scientific and technological content.