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The Improvement of Applied Public Research System Could Facilitate Enterprises’ Innovative Development(No.190, 2016)

Jan 22,2017

By Yuan Dongming & Cheng Yu, Research Team on “Invigorating Vitality of Innovation Entities”, Enterprise Research Institute, DRC

Research report No.190, 2016 (Total 5073) 2016-12-23

Abstract: China’s applied public research system has evolved from an incomplete and immature theory to a comparatively comprehensive mode. In light of the present innovative development, the transformation and upgrading of industrial enterprises have an urgent demand for the progress of applied researches. The inadequate applied public research has become a weak point relating to technology innovation in China. As a result, it is a necessary and urgent issue to improve China’s applied public research system. We need to stick to the principle of providing support to local governments for primary research, properly deal with the existing and additional applied public resources for R&D, and use research and development institution’s system and mechanism in an innovative way. In this way, we can, in view of the past achievements, establish an institution- and mechanism-based, multi-level and coherent dynamic applied research system with the participation of governments at various levels and provide strong and powerful technological support for industry and enterprises. In the improvement of applied research system, the government needs to play a role in establishing organizations, offering financial support and providing guidelines, and effectively bolster the development of various applied research organizations.

Key words: public research system, applied, improvement