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Hundreds of international reps descend on Beijing for global health forum

Updated: 2024-07-23

The Boao Forum for Asia's third global health forum concluded in Beijing last Thursday. Over three days, nearly 1,000 representatives from 41 countries and regions participated in the forum. 


Foreign and domestic dignitaries, multiple health ministers, heads of international organizations, academics, experts, scholars and entrepreneurs all attended the forum.


The health and pharmaceutical industry is one of the "dual engines" driving the Chinese capital's innovative development, the forum heard, while the question was asked: How can Beijing present its "business card" for industrial development to global participants? 

The forum featured three themed exhibitions: Beijing Power, a Traditional Chinese Medicine experience hall and Beijing Gifts, which showcased 45 products from 22 Beijing enterprises. 


From innovative medicines by companies like Sanofi and Youcare Pharmaceutical, to domestically-produced surgical robots which assist doctors, to interactive acupuncture mannequins, the diverse range of innovative medicines and devices drew significant attention. 

Through the combined means of discussions, exhibitions and other activities, the conference established a "Beijing model" for promoting trade and investment. 

Among the achievements, the Municipal Science and Technology Commission and the Zhongguancun Administrative Committee signed a strategic cooperation memorandum with German science and technology company Merck Serono. Meanwhile, the Paris Public Hospital Group reached a cooperation agreement with Beijing Children's Hospital, and they will jointly apply for China's key R&D "Strategic Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation" project.


Currently, the overall scale of Beijing's pharmaceutical and health industry amounts to nearly 980 billion yuan ($134.72 billion). The number of innovative medicines, innovative devices and AI-based Class III medical devices produced all rank among the top in the country. It is expected that, by 2026, the industry's total scale will reach 1.25 trillion yuan ($171.84 billion). 


Moving forward, the construction of an "International Pharmaceutical Innovation Park (Bio-Park)" is planned for Beijing's southeastern district.