Home> 3d conference of Global Health Forum of BFA

BFA Global Health Forum holds press conference

Updated: 2024-07-16


On July 16th, an opening press conference was held for the 3rd Global Health Forum of the Boao Forum for Asia. Zhang Jun, Secretary General of the BFA, Margaret Chan, President of the BFA Global Health Forum and Honorary Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), and Xu Xinchao, Deputy Secretary General of the People's Government of Beijing Municipality, introduced the preparations being made for the conference.Zhang Jun said that this year's conference is jointly organized by the Boao Forum for Asia and the People's Government of Beijing Municipality, with the theme "Health Beyond Health - In the Year of Sustainable Development 2030". The BFA has always been committed to promoting cooperation among all parties and seeking common development. As times move forward, the connotations and extension of development are constantly expanding. By holding this conference, the forum aims to observe development from the perspective of health, emphasizing both the process and purpose of development. It aims to promote not only overall economic and social development, but also the comprehensive development of individuals, thus implementing a people-centered development ideology.

In September of this year, the United Nations will hold the Summit of the Future. This conference also aims to promote the implementation of the organization's sustainable development goals and advance global governance and international cooperation in the health sector.

The conference has set three modules: "Health into All Policies," "Universal Health Coverage," and "Innovation of Health."


Margaret Chan stated that in recent years, we have made remarkable progress in global health development, but we are also faced with new risks and challenges such as public health emergencies and uneven development, necessitating strengthened communication and cooperation among countries. The Global Health Forum has gradually developed into an important platform and bridge for high-level dialogue and pragmatic cooperation in the health sector. The 3rd conference not only reflects our determination and commitment to promoting the achievement of universal health coverage through pragmatic actions, but also demonstrates our continuous attention and unremitting efforts to enhance human health and well-being.


Xu Xinchao introduced the development of Beijing's health service and biopharmaceutical industry. He said that Beijing actively implements the Healthy China Initiative, widely carries out the Healthy Beijing Action, and continuously increases investment in health care. Beijing promotes the continuous optimization of medical and health resource allocation, enhances medical and health service capabilities, and improves medical quality and safety. The continuous development of traditional Chinese medicine, the consolidation of public health barriers, and the enhancement of residents' health and well-being are also priorities. Beijing focuses on developing its own health service and industry, while striving to promote international health cooperation through exchanges and mutual learning. We believe that by sharing development opportunities, Beijing can jointly address health challenges with the world and work for a healthier and better future for mankind.