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Step into Miyazaki-style summer at banks of Liangshui River

Updated: 2024-05-30

The shasta daisy blooms in the spring and summer. The flowers are delicate and elegant.

At the Riverside Park in E-Town New Area, large clusters of daisies are in full bloom.  


Residents enjoy the view of shata dasies [beijingetown.com.cn]

The blooming daisies densely cover the scene, creating a very aesthetic picture. Under the bright summer sunshine, it is refreshing and soothing.


The view of shata dasies [beijingetown.com.cn]

The shasta daisy symbolizes sincerity, friendship, and true love. It would be nice to invite friends to admire them together because pure friendship is beautiful and endures, just like the daisy. 

Along the river, the green plants are lush. Walking or cycling by the river, the breeze gently brushes across your face, bringing summer's coolness and comfort.

Near the shasta daisies, there are also white windmills, making you feel like you've stepped into a Miyazaki-style summer.

Recommended tour route: Start from Shuyi·Yi Space, follow the signs to the flower sea boardwalk. There are four or five flower seas beside the wooden boardwalk, and you can also see the large windmill in the distance.

How to get there? It's recommended to drive, and navigate directly to "Shuyi·Yi Space." How to buy tickets and make reservations? Just go without worries. Admission is free!