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E-Town takes action to protect biodiversity

Updated: 2024-05-22

May 22 marks International Day for Biological Diversity, and this year's theme is "Be Part of the Plan."

In Beijing E-Town, efforts to protect biodiversity are being made at all levels, from schools to communities and professional organizations.

On this special day, 10 student volunteers from the ecological civilization project "Wing Guardians" of the BDA School of the High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China participated in a bird survey at Tongming Lake Park. 

Under their teachers' guidance, they identified 52 bird species, including wagtails and eastern marsh harriers.

In the southeast of Xitianyang village, Majuqiao town, a special "residential area" is under construction. 

This project includes 10 artificial bird nests, five insect hotels, two small wetlands, and five artificial shrub piles. 

Additionally, plants like alfalfa, irises, hawthorn, and peach trees are being planted to beautify the area and provide food for small animals.

Understory replanting with cork oak is an effective method for restoring and maintaining biodiversity. 

In Yinghai town, the task of planting 4,030 cork oak trees in two phases has already been completed ahead of time.

The improving ecological environment in E-Town has attracted many winged friends. 

In the Elk Garden of Nanhaizi Park, while gray cranes are common, wild gray cranes are rare. Recently, the Beijing Elk Ecological Research Center reported that a wild gray crane arrived in May and has since integrated with the local population.

According to the Beijing Biodiversity Conservation Research Center, the spring bird survey in E-Town New Area, organized by the center, has been successfully completed. 

They recorded 138 bird species across 17 orders and 32 families, including one national first-class protected species, the saker falcon, and 18 national second-class protected species, such as the gray crane and white spoonbill.


A gray heron and wild geese [Photo/beijingetown.com.cn]


A black swan flap its wings. [Photo/beijingetown.com.cn]


A common moorhen searches for food. [Photo/beijingetown.com.cn]


A wild goose with its goslings [Photo/beijingetown.com.cn]