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2024 Beijing E-Town · Paulownia Flower Festival to bloom

Updated: 2024-04-08

As paulownias flower gracefully in April, the 2024 Beijing E-Town · Paulownia Flower Festival is about to bloom.


View of paulownia flowers [Photo/beijingetown.com.cn]

Beijing E-Town invites you to gather on the most beautiful paulownia avenue and join a unique floral event with elements of technology, internationalism, and ecology.

At the Historical Museum of Beijing E-Town, listen to a song about paulownia flowers. Check out the "Happy Life Calendar of Beijing E-Town" and discover the romantic side of the area. Eat, play, and experience the open creative market, feeling the cool and creative vibe. Take a citywalk under the paulownia trees in E-Town along carefully designated routes.


Paulownia trees along the subway line [Photo/beijingetown.com.cn] 

Along Hongda Road, the branches are full of paulownia flowers.

Paulownia flowers connote eternal waiting and anticipation for love. Each and every blossom is filled with hope. 

As the inaugural "Paulownia Flower Festival" opens, we shall meet in E-Town this April.

Come witness the magnificent beauty, taste the delicious food, and experience the technological marvels.


View of the Paulownia Avenue [Photo/beijingetown.com.cn]

Starting today until April 21, 2024, Beijing E-Town will publicly solicit literary, painting, photography, sculpture, arts and crafts, and short video works with the theme of "paulownia flowers." When the paulownias bloom, make sure to capture the moment.   

For non-short video submissions, 

Contact person: Yan Jingyu, 13311588088 

Email: yanjingyu@shangyicheng.com

For short video submissions: 

Contact person: Cao Haoyun, 15600799287 

Email: BDAycwl@163.com
