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New unmanned delivery vehicle authorized for testing

Updated: 2023-04-12

The Beijing Autonomous Driving Demonstration Zone Office recently issued a vehicle code for Haomo.AI's last-mile logistics autonomous delivery vehicle, HDeliver, allowing it to undergo regular testing and operations in Beijing E-town.

On the road, the HDeliver delivery vehicles can be identified by their black face and white body with a sensor on top, and they bear the logo of the Beijing Autonomous Driving Demonstration Zone, "BJHAD".


HDeliver delivery vehicles developed by Haomo.AI [Photo/beijingetown.com.cn]

The vehicles are equipped with functions such as traffic light recognition, an ability to navigate through complex intersections while yielding to pedestrians and vehicles, and the ability to operate in mixed traffic and congested scenarios, supporting low-speed all-weather driving in urban open roads to achieve contactless deliveries.

To ensure safe driving, HDeliver is equipped with a Level 4 autonomous driving capability enabled by Haomo.AI's MANA, the first data intelligence system for autonomous driving in China. 

Cai Na, vice president of Haomo.AI, remarked, "This successful testing in the demonstration zone fully validates our judgment of the industry. By the end of this year, last-mile logistics autonomous delivery vehicles will see explosive growth in scenarios such as supermarkets and express deliveries, achieving sustainable commercialization. Next, we will work with partners such as Dada in Beijing E-town to provide unmanned delivery services to more citizens."

As early as May 2021, the demonstration zone had issued the first batch of vehicle codes for unmanned delivery vehicles to companies such as JD, Meituan, and Neolix, achieving innovative breakthroughs in the management policy of new products in the field of autonomous driving in China. 

With the entry of Haomo.AI, the demonstration zone has now connected with 19 autonomous driving testing companies, accumulated over 14 million kilometers of autonomous driving mileage, and issued a total of 578 license plates for vehicles. 

Among them, unmanned delivery vehicles, as a new type of road traffic participant, have been widely applied in logistics delivery, retail, and other fields. 

Currently, the demonstration zone has issued vehicle codes for 283 multi-functional unmanned vehicles, and more are to come.