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Eighteen new corporate technology centers

Updated: 2023-02-07

The second batch of Beijing Corporate Technology Centers in Beijing was released recently, detailing that Beijing E-Town has added 18 more municipal corporate technology centers.

On the list of 100 companies, the number of companies from Beijing E-Town ranks second in Beijing.

The corporate technology center is a technological research, development and innovation institution established by enterprises in line with market demand.

The center is responsible for formulating technology innovation plans, conducting industrial technology research and development, creating and using intellectual property rights, establishing a technical standard system, cultivating innovative talents, and building a collaborative innovation network.

"We focus on network security, and have ranked first in the market share of host security for many years. Our company has been recognized as the municipal corporate technology center, which gives us great confidence." said Zhang Fu, CEO of Beijing Shengxin Network Technology Co. 

To solve security problems in new scenarios, the company has set up a technological innovation incubation mechanism, and has established a number of security laboratories to research and overcome risks stemming from cutting-edge technologies.

After being selected onto the list of offshore innovation centers in Beijing E-Town, Synaptic Medical Technologies (Beijing) Co was approved as a Beijing Corporate Technology Center. 

This enterprise, which focuses on independent R&D and the production of high-end medical devices in the field of cardiac electrophysiology, achieves a faster and more accurate capture of international cutting-edge technology trends through resource and information sharing at home and abroad.


The corporate research institution of Synaptic Medical Technologies (Beijing) Co [Photo/beijingetown.com.cn]

In 2022, Beijing E-Town proposed to build a four-level echelon cultivation mechanism for enterprise R&D centers, and is committed to building "international teams", "national teams", "Beijing teams" and "Yizhuang teams" for technological innovation. 

At present, Beijing E-Town has a total of 416 recognized R&D institutions, including 25 national R&D institutions and 391 municipal R&D institutions.