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Fourth Neighborhood Festival opens in Beijing E-Town

Updated: 2022-09-21

In a round of applause from residents, the opening ceremony of the fourth Neighborhood Festival of Beijing E-Town was launched on Sept 17.

With the main venue located in Yicheng Mingyuan Community, it's the first time that the festival covers all 60 square kilometers of the communities in Beijing E-Town

On the main stage of the opening ceremony, students from BDA School of the High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China performed a folk music ensemble of "Colorful Clouds Chasing the Moon".


Students from BDA School of the High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China perform on stage. [Photo/beijingetown.com.cn]


Vocal solo at the festival [Photo/beijingetown.com.cn]

In the technology interactive experience area of the festival, the cute "Bumblebee" was surrounded by a group of children.


"Bumblebee" shows up at the festival. [Photo/beijingetown.com.cn]

A number of smart technology products, such as smart fitness terminals and unmanned libraries, have also been favored by residents.


A child observes a robot at the festival. [Photo/beijingetown.com.cn]

In the community service area, some children manned their own booths, waving enthusiastically and selling their items.

These children not only found their favorite toys and books, but also found new owners for their unwanted things.


Children sell their unwanted toys and books at the festival. [Photo/beijingetown.com.cn]

"This year's Neighborhood Festival will last from Sept 17 to Sept 23. During this period, 89 activities will be held in the streets and towns of Beijing E-Town, including cultural performances, garbage sorting, convenience services, popular science publicity, fun competitions, walking, fun board games, and voluntary clinics, according to the Beijing E-Town Social Welfare Bureau.


Residents receive free haircuts at the festival. [Photo/beijingetown.com.cn]