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Beijing E-Town boosts growth of specialized and sophisticated SMEs

Updated: 2022-09-16

The 2022 National Conference on the Development of Specialized and Sophisticated SMEs raised its curtain on Sept 8.

Recently, the list of the fourth batch of specialized and sophisticated SMEs in Beijing was released, with the number of such enterprises in Beijing E-Town reaching a new high. 

128 companies in Beijing E-Town were selected onto the list, accounting from 10.34 percent of the total, and ranking third among all districts in Beijing.

Up to now, Beijing E-Town has 85 national-level specialized and sophisticated SMEs, and 562 city-level specialized and sophisticated SMEs. 

To help more high-quality enterprises obtain recognition, and accelerate their growth and expansion, Beijing E-Town has established a echelon corporate cultivation mechanism, a echelon cultivation bank, and provides these specialized and sophisticated SMEs with individual service stewards, to help solve any problems encountered in the development of the companies, and promote their growth.