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From 'rare' to 'regular', Beijing E-Town's eco-environment has greatly improved

Updated: 2022-08-30

Recently, the bird survey of the Beijing E-Town Biodiversity Survey was successfully concluded. 

306 species of birds, including national first-class protected birds and national second-class protected birds, have chosen to live and reproduce in Beijing E-Town, reflecting the continuous improvement of the area's overall ecology. 

Beijing E-Town launched its biodiversity survey on May 22, 2021, to formulate more effective measures to protect biodiversity through a comprehensive investigation.

According to the biodiversity survey team, Liangshui River is an important habitat for wild life in Beijing E-Town. 

As Beijing E-Town continues to increase its pollution control efforts and launch a comprehensive treatment project, Liangshui River today is clearer than ever before.

With the improvement of its water quality, the diversity of aquatic plants and fish in the river has increased year by year, attracting many wild animals, especially birds. 

"Last summer, not only was the breeding of the reed parrotbill observed, but more than a dozen other species of birds, such as the little grebe, the mallard, and the oriental reed warbler, were observed to be breeding here. Last winter, the river was home to tens of thousands of waterfowl like grebes and wild ducks." remarked a member of the survey team.
