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RCEP service enters 'Two Zones' development window

Updated: 2022-07-20

RCEP's special one-stop service and quality infrastructure was launched in the "Two Zones" service window of Beijing E-Town's government affairs service center on July 12.


RCEP Service for "Two Zones" Development [Photo/kfqgw.beijing.gov.cn]

Built on the China Customs Clearance Network, the RCEP special service is committed to helping enterprises improve utilization of the RCEP agreement, enjoy the RCEP economic and trade policies, improve the regional opening level, and stabilize foreign trade. 

Staff members of the "Two Zones" window can provide enterprises with interpretation of RCEP agreement rules, and provide certificates of origin, ATA carnets, commercial certificates, force majeure fact certificates, free sales certificates and service provider certificates, as well as services related to consular authentication, FTA, export commodity brands evaluation, corporate credit certification and support, translation, and related business training and other services.

The "Zone Zones" service window was put into operation on April, 2021. Currently, it can provide assistance with finance, taxation, intellectual property, foreign-invested foreign trade, and foreign-funded enterprises and acceptance feedback.