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'Two Zones' construction in Beijing E-Town gets financial boost

Updated: 2022-07-11

The latest episode of a program concerning the "Two Zones" construction invited directors of six financial institutions in Beijing E-Town on June 30. Those invited were officials from the ICBC Beijing Pilot Free Trade Zone Branch, the ABC Bank in the area, BoC Beijing E-Town Branch, BCM (Back of Communications) Beijing Free Trade Pilot Zone Branch, and Beijing E-Town International Investment & Development

These leaders came together to explain Beijing's first intelligent connected vehicle infrastructure financing. The "lease first and then transfer" project financing may apply to option loan business, carbon emission quota pledge loan business, the first NRA forward foreign exchange settlement business in Beijing E-Town, and cases of technological innovation and high-end element aggregation on state-owned capital operation platforms.

Most of these financial services that have been implemented are tailored according to the needs of industries and enterprises.

Each bank shared their own financial products suitable for start-ups, SMEs, science and technology enterprises, and different development stages of enterprises, as well as international finance and industrial investment in the program.

As a large-scale State-owned investment and financing platform, Beijing E-Town International Investment Development focuses on the four leading industries  and has formed four major business sectors: industrial investment, financial services, science and technology parks, and capital operations.

To deepen the construction of the "Two Zones" in the financial field, Beijing E-Town continues to guide financial institutions to strengthen regional resources, enrich the financial format system, and improve the efficiency of financial services for the real economy in Beijing E-Town.