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Coupons, promotions to spur consumption

(chinadaily.com.cn) Updated: 2022-05-31

Beijing has offered coupons and launched a host of events as part of its efforts to stimulate consumption and reduce the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The capital is offering vouchers worth more than 300 million yuan ($47 million) to spur consumption in the energy-saving sector from April to September. This covers 20 energy-saving electric appliances, including TV sets, washing machines, air conditioners and laptops.

The coupons can be used at brick-and-mortar stores and online shops.

On the first day of the five-day May Day holiday, Beijing resident Wang Jingyu and his wife went to a Suning Yigou shop in Beijing with their nucleic acid test results to purchase home appliances.

All residents are required to bring negative nucleic acid test results less than 48 hours old when entering public areas. The measure has been used by the city to fight the latest COVID-19 outbreak since late April.

After comparing different brands, the couple brought home a refrigerator and a washing machine, both rated as top-level energy-efficient products. They saved 2,200 yuan thanks to the consumption coupon and promotional events.

By May 23, customers had received 124,800 coupons via the Suning Yigou app, which drove appliance sales up by 35 million yuan, according to Lu Fuyan, marketing director of Suning Yigou Beijing.

Since April, Suning Yigou Beijing has showed an impressive performance in the sales of energy-efficient air conditioners, refrigerators and freezers, posting a growth of 180 percent year-on-year, Lu said.

Due to recent outbreaks, the demand for food storage has increased, which has driven the sales of refrigerators and freezers.

The Beijing government launched a number of promotions during the May Day holiday while implementing the prevention and control policies for the latest outbreak.

In addition to Suning Yigou, customers can get the energy-saving vouchers worth 900 yuan on the online platforms of JD, Gome, B&T Home and other six companies participating in the energy-saving consumption event.

JD has cooperated with more than 70 brands-most of which are electrical appliance producers-to offer more than 1,800 products online which can be bought with the coupons, the company said.

E-commerce platforms, including JD, Xiaomi, Meituan and Hema Fresh, also launched special promotions themed on holiday leisure, gifts for mothers, and parent-child relations during May Day.

As dine-in services are suspended in Beijing, the capital encouraged catering companies to launch more fast food and ready-to-cook dishes, which are suitable for takeout and delivery.

Meanwhile, some districts in the city launched activities to stimulate consumption during the May Day holiday.

Haidian, Fengtai, Shijingshan and Changping districts launched car exhibitions and promotional events.

Daxing district also issued consumption coupons worth 10 million yuan via an official WeChat mini-program.