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BDA makes life easier for foreign residents

Updated: 2022-04-22


The BDA provides collective work and residence permit extensions for foreign teachers. [Photo/kfqgw.beijing.gov.cn]

Recently, the International Talent Service Office of the Government Affairs Service Center of the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Area (BDA) has ushered in an "important task". 

A total of 122 certificates for foreign teachers and their families at the SMIC School are about to expire. They needd to apply for the extension of work permits and residence permits.

Material information checking, passport sorting, cost accounting... The three staff members divided their work in an orderly manner. It only took two and a half days, and a total of less than six hours to complete the acceptance of all documents.

To facilitate residents, the staff of the International Talent Service Office established a "Service Guarantee Group for compatriots from Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR and Taiwan Province and Foreign Nationals".

Six staff members adopted the method of rotating on duty to ensure that someone is availableat any time.

Whenever a message reminder pops up, whether it is after getting off work or on holidays, the staff on duty always respond as soon as possible.