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'One integrated license' reform expanded

Updated: 2022-04-01

After previous reforms, the reform of "one integrated license" in the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Area (BDA) will be promoted throughout the city, and will be expanded to 50 scenarios in 20 industries, benefiting more businesses and people.

How many permits do you need to open a supermarket? There's a food business license, medical device business license, publication business license... you might need to apply for five or six licenses respectively before you can open a business. 

But since the pilot reform of "one integrated license" was launched in June 2021, everything has changed.

Up to now, the BDA has issued 17 comprehensive licenses for market entities in six industries. After this expansion, 10 new members will be added, including movie theaters, beauty salons, pension institutions, KTV, and video game malls.

Take opening a movie theater, for instance.

It turns out that the process of opening a movie theater is very cumbersome. It is necessary to submit 14 application materials for the establishment and approval of movie projection units, nine applications for public hygiene licenses, and 11 application materials for food business licenses.

In the future, the number of documents to be declared by applicants to open a movie theater will be reduced from 34 to 6, a decrease of 82.35 percent; the application form's length will be reduced by 66.67 percent and the processing time will be reduced from 23 working days to 18 working days.