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Beijing E-Town contributes to Beijing's construction of global benchmark digital city

Updated: 2022-03-15

The Beijing Economic and Technological Development Area (BDA), as the main front for high-end industries, firmly grasps the opportunities of digital economy development and contributes "E-Town power" to Beijing's construction of a global digital economy benchmark city.

Led by the construction of Beijing's high-level autonomous driving demonstration zone, which was launched in Sept 2020, the BDA is striving to build a global digital economy benchmark city pilot zone.

Infrastructure and governance

In the BDA, the light poles on the roadside are "smart" - they can detect people and vehicles on the road with signal transmissions.

The current BDA has completed the construction of intelligent networked infrastructure with a total length of 12.1 kilometers of urban roads and 10 kilometers of expressways in Phase 1.0.

Meanwhile, the BDA has also explored new business models and set up two specialized platform companies, Yizhuang Digital Infrastructure and Beijing Auto Network, to reduce comprehensive construction costs. 

The 2.0 phase of the demonstration zone will be built around 60 square kilometers in the core area of the BDA, with a total of 305 intersections to achieve full coverage of intelligent networked road infrastructure.

Currently, the density of 5G base stations in the whole area is 6.7 times that of the city's average, realizing the digitization of government governance in Beijing E-Town, building "Urban Brain" 1.0, and creating a convenient and efficient digital government.

Integration of digital and reality

During the Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics, the BDA took the lead in opening a new model of digital-reality integration, and used 5G+8K ultra-high-definition large screens to light up the area.


Residents of Beijing E-Town watched the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics on an 8K ultra-high-definition large screen. [Photo/kfqgw.beijing.gov.cn]

In the 5G field, Hongshan Technology independently developed the world's first 5G open base station platform product based on SOC chips. 

In the new display field, leading enterprises represented by BOE and Chipone have achieved leapfrog development. 

In the field of integrated circuits, major projects have been launched one after another, leading the independent and controllable development of the integrated circuit industry. 

In the integration of science and culture, cultural industry projects such as China (Beijing) High-tech Audio-visual Industrial Park and Beijing Smart E-sports Competition Center are about to be completed and put into use. 

In the area of satellite networks, 180 companies in the industries of satellite and arrow manufacturing, rocket launch, and satellite services have gathered in the BDA.

Create a smart city model

There are robotaxis, unmanned retail vehicles that deliver breakfast and lunch, and unmanned delivery vehicles for express delivery and takeaway... 

In the BDA, autonomous driving application scenarios continue to expand.


A customer buys fruit from an unmanned retail vehicle. [Photo/kfqgw.beijing.gov.cn]

In the field of smart logistics, JD Logistics and Beijing Telecom have verified the feasibility of "5G + smart logistics" scenarios, and the 5G full-process and full-connection transformation of smart warehouses has been realized.