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Unforgettable Beijing E-Town power in Winter Paralympics

Updated: 2022-03-15


The closing ceremony of the Winter Paralympics [Photo/kfqgw.beijing.gov.cn]

Accompanied by the sound of the timpani, the main torch was slowly extinguished, and the countless touching moments of the Winter Paralympics and Winter Olympics will forever remain in people's memories.


The closing ceremony of the Winter Paralympics [Photo/kfqgw.beijing.gov.cn]

Many enterprises in the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Area (BDA) participated in the Winter Paralympic Games by providing high-end technical services.

'Beijing E-Town Plan' builds safety barriers from food testing to nucleic acid testing

CTI Beijing began to undertake the testing of pre-packaged products, semi-finished products and raw materials for Winter Olympics projects on Nov 16 last year, including laboratory testing and on-site rapid testing.

"After receiving the task, we quickly set up a special team, which consisted of nine teams, including a technical support team, testing team, and data audit team, which were composed of key personnel of the company. Among them, the rapid inspection department dispatched two people to support on-site," a representative from CTI Beijing said. 

As of March 8, the company had undertaken the testing of 647 samples of food and 1,821 on-site rapid inspections.

'Beijing E-Town Technology' lights up every dream

Paraplegic torchbearer Shao Haipeng walked the entire distance in the new-generation AI exoskeleton robot Aixing in the Winter Paralympic Games' Torch Relay and Torch Relay.

In the torch relay in Shougang Park, paraplegic torchbearer Yang Shuting also completed the torch relay with the assistance of the medical device product Aidong. 

These two lower limb-assisted exoskeleton robots are both from the BDA and independently developed by AI-robotics, an enterprise in the area.


Shao Haipeng is interviewed by reporters. [Photo/kfqgw.beijing.gov.cn]

"I am very excited now! This is the first time in 11 years that I have stood up and appeared in front of everyone," Yang Shuting said, her eyes full of excitement. In 2011, she was rendered paraplegic due to a car accident. Before the torch relay, she underwent five months of adaptation training with AI-robotics, and finally realized her dream to stand and walk with the help of the Aidong robot.


Yang Shuting [Photo/kfqgw.beijing.gov.cn]

'Beijing E-Town Wisdom' escorts the event

To ensure that common switch panels and call buttons were within reach of the user, the retrofit team lowered their height. 

In order to ensure the safety of Winter Paralympic athletes in real time, the renovation team built an alarm system throughout the park and a maintenance system that responds quickly. 

Meanwhile, CSCEC also undertook the maintenance and guarantee responsibilities of the Winter Paralympic Village.