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Number of high-tech BDA firms hits 1,748

Updated: 2022-03-02

A total of 395 enterprises in the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Area (BDA) have passed certification and are qualified national high-tech enterprises. 

According to the BDA's Science and Technology Innovation Bureau, the number of national high-tech enterprises in the BDA has reached 1,748. 

These enterprises include both those that have been re-accredited and those that have been identified for the first time. Compared with data from the same period last year, the figure increased by 120, with a growth rate of 7.37 percent.

"In recent years, through continuous independent research and development, we have completed the transformation from a traditional environmental protection enterprise to an innovative environmental governance enterprise, and solved the difficulties and pain points of environmental governance with new technologies, new materials, new processes, and new equipment," said Li Junsong, general manager of Environment Sustainable System Engineering Technology Co., Ltd.

Just at the end of last year, a 300-square-meter sintering flue gas treatment project by Yuanli Metal Products Co., Ltd. undertaken by ESSE successfully completed a 168-hour trial operation, which is a key step in the ultra-low emission process.

Many of the BDA's companies attach importance to technological research and development. A 2021 work report shows that large and medium-sized enterprises invested 28 billion yuan ($4.44 billion) in research and development, a year-on-year increase of 22 percent.


Researchers in the BDA [Photo/kfqgw.beijing.gov.cn] 

National high-tech enterprises in the BDA cover four leading industries and emerging industries. Technological innovation has further driven regional development. 

According to statistics, in 2020, high-tech enterprises in the BDA achieved a total operating income of 337.5 billion yuan, accounting for 7.39 percent of the city's total high-tech enterprises and 77.21 percent of the region's total industrial output value.