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BDA adds eight municipal enterprise technology centers

Updated: 2022-01-26

Eight new municipal enterprise technology centers recently popped up in the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Area (BDA).

The Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology announced the second group of newly-created Beijing municipal-level enterprise technology centers in 2021. It includes 40 enterprises, including Beijing ZHZ Technology Co., Ltd. and Environment Sustainable System Engineering Technology Co., Ltd. (ESSE), Huatai Yongchuang (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing BOE Energy Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing Shengtong Printing Co., Ltd., QuantumTec Medical Devices Co., Ltd., Goldwind Science & Technology Co., Ltd., Viewhigh (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd.

As a kind of enterprise R&D institution, municipal enterprise technology centers have increasingly become think tanks for enterprise innovation and R&D, which can help speed up enterprises' independent R&D and achievement transformation. 

"The flight control system and unmanned helicopter independently developed by our company's team have filled the domestic gap," said a representative of Beijing ZHZ Technology Co., Ltd.

The BDA has 25 national-level R&D institutions and 385 municipal-level R&D institutions, covering four leading industries and emerging industries in the area. 

"We will help more companies improve their original innovation capabilities, carry out industrial technology research and development and the transformation of achievements," said a representative of the Science and Technology Innovation Bureau.