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'E-Town' breakthroughs

Updated: 2022-01-05

In the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Area (BDA), autonomous driving technology has been applied in more and more scenarios, and the future smart city has come into being. 


Autonomous taxi [Photo/kfqgw.beijing.gov.cn]

Behind this is the BDA, which has accelerated the construction of Beijing's high-level autonomous driving demonstration zone, promoted road testing, demonstration applications and commercial operation services, and explored commercial application approaches.

Since the beginning of 2021, the BDA has seized the opportunity to develop intelligent networked vehicles, coordinating the construction of the national innovation center, new energy vehicle manufacturing, autonomous driving testing, new infrastructure and other resources, to help build high-level autonomous driving demonstration zones.

Currently, the construction of stage 1.0 of the high-level autonomous driving demonstration zone has been completed, and stage 2.0 construction is underway. 


Self-driving police patrol car [Photo/kfqgw.beijing.gov.cn]

The core area has achieved full coverage of the intelligent networked road infrastructure, built an engineering testing platform for autonomous vehicles, and the networked cloud control system has been continuously improving its external service capabilities. 

Beijing E-Town Digital Infrastructure Technology Development Co., Ltd. and Beijing Auto Network Technology Development Co., Ltd. have been established, the Guoqi Intelligent Control (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. has been cultivated, Baidu, Pony.ai, Trunk.tech, Neolix and other leading enterprises have also been introduced.

Relying on the construction of high-level autonomous driving demonstration zones, the BDA vigorously promotes the construction of the intelligent networked vehicle policy pilot zone, and is the first in China to release a number of innovations, such as morning and evening peak tests, mutual recognition of off-site tests, unmanned tests, and the pilot commercialization of travel services. 

The area also launched 270 intelligent connected test cars, with a safety test mileage of 2.21 million kilometers, accounting for more than 70 percent of the city, and opened up unmanned urban scenarios as autonomous taxis, autonomous buses, autonomous police patrol cars, unmanned retail, unmanned distribution, unmanned sanitation and microcirculation connection.