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'Green card' application for foreign talents launched

Updated: 2021-11-19

The Office of the Leading Group for the Construction of "Two Zones" in Beijing recently announced that permanent residence application in China for foreign talents has started.

From Nov 4 to Dec 12, applicants who meet the conditions must make an online declaration and submit relevant materials. 

After reviewing the materials, the platform will review and score the materials with the help of experts, and conduct due diligence for applicants with a score of 70 or above. 

After going through all the procedures, the Beijing "Two Zones" Construction Leading Group will issue a recommendation letter to notify the applicant to go to the city's immigration hall for permanent residence.

Enterprises applying for the declaration must meet the certification standards of key enterprises and public institutions in the service industry.

Applicants can log in to the "Beijing Public Information Service Platform" (http://open.beijing.gov.cn/) to make an online declaration.

Foreign applicants should meet one of the following conditions: management and professional technical talents with director or above positions in service enterprises, or talents with deputy senior titles and above; serving as the head of a special research team or in charge of major projects; professional talents in urgent need in their industries.

Evaluation for these foreign talents includes enterprise points (30 percent) and personal points (70 percent).

The enterprise section includes the type of enterprise, innovation type, and economic and social benefits, while the personal section includes age, education, work experience, and professional/management ability.