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155 projects from three science cities commercialized in BDA

Updated: 2021-11-17

Since the beginning of this year, 155 scientific and technological achievement transformation projects from three science cities (Zhongguancun Science City, Huairou Science City and Beijing Future Science Park) have successively settled in the Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area (BDA).

155 projects from three science cities commercialized in BDA.png

The BDA has launched a cutting-edge map service platform to foster scientific and technological innovation. [Photo/kfqgw.beijing.gov.cn]

Guoqi Zhitu (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. was registered and established in the BDA this September. Dedicated to building a cutting-edge map service platform, it's another project promoted by the Zhongguancun Science City and the BDA.

Behind the multi-party joint construction, the "Three science cities and one hi-tech area" linkage coordination mechanism of the BDA has played a non-negligible role. It's a coordination meeting mechanism established by the administrative committees of the BDA and the three science cities together.

The BDA also laid out a pilot base for the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements in Zhongguancun, accelerating the high-quality transformation of achievements from "three science cities and one hi-tech area". 

The six pilot bases listed this year have implemented the "Innovative Growth Plan" and "Innovative Partnership Plan" to provide rent subsidies, loan discounts, talent incentives, and investment funds for innovative projects and service organizations included in the plan.

To date, the BDA has completed the "three science cities and one hi-tech area" technology innovation service platform. 

On the online platform, the BDA released 144 sets of shared equipment, 70 shared laboratories, provided 66 technical services, and issued 3 million yuan ($467,800) in "innovation coupons" for the shared platform. 

On the offline platform, the BDA has been cooperating with over 20 colleges and universities from the "three science cities" this year to engage in 10 innovation project exchanges and connection activities.

A total of 51 science and technology projects have carried out road shows, nearly 650 people have participated, and a number of high-quality projects have obtained cooperation agreements.
