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BDA companies debut at CIIE

Updated: 2021-11-12

The 4th China International Import Expo closed on Nov 8.

A number of companies from the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Area (BDA) participated in the exhibition, releasing new products, obtaining new purchase orders and reaching new agreements.


The 4th China International Import Expo [Photo/kfqgw.beijing.gov.cn]

At this CIIE, Varian Medical displayed its ProBeam®360° isoproton therapy room, the world's first Varian digital tumor Internet hospital solution, and the first multi-disease radiosurgery robot operating room that can be equipped with the IDENTIFY optical body surface monitoring system in China.


ProBeam®360° isoproton therapy room [Photo/kfqgw.beijing.gov.cn]


The multi-disease radiosurgery robot operating room [Photo/kfqgw.beijing.gov.cn]

Varian China's Beijing R&D and production base surpassed its Silicon Valley headquarters in 2020, becoming the world's most complete product line R&D and production base. 

In 2021, Varian will continue to increase capital and expand production, and will double its investment. 

Its Beijing base has achieved a six-fold increase in output within three years. In 2021, its export volume is expected to increase by 40 percent. 

Currently, Varian is actively investing in the construction of the Varian Global Innovation Center, which is expected to enter the BDA in 2022.

At the CIIE, AstraZeneca's Primary Smart Medical Innovation Center showcased scenarios in technology-assisted home healthcare, and several high-tech exhibits appeared at the booth. 

For instance, its 5G smart nursing bed can use chip technology and ultra-quiet technology to connect the bed and other medical equipment, and realize remote medical interaction between doctors and patients through AI monitoring.

Schneider showcased a series of leading practices and technologies related to "Zero Carbon City" at this CIIE, including "Zero Carbon Factory", "Lighthouse Factory" and an end-to-end green supply chain.

GE Healthcare reached procurement agreements for medical imaging equipment, ultrasound equipment, and life support equipment with a number of domestic hospitals.