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BDA's approval service wins praise

Updated: 2021-11-12

"Thanks to the BDA, our project in the area is the only one among Bayer's global factories that has not been affected by the pandemic. The efficient approval service here surprises our headquarters," said Genter Wehrle, head of the investment project department of Bayer Healthcare Co., Ltd. in Beijing. 

Wehrle and Xu Jinghua, the head of Bayer Beijing's expansion project, delivered a silk banner of gratitude to the Administrative Approval Bureau of the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Area (BDA). 


The head of the investment project department and the head of the expansion project of Bayer's Beijing factory present a banner to the BDA’s Administrative Approval Bureau. [Photo/kfqgw.beijing.gov.cn]

Due to the pandemic, Bayer's projects around the world have been affected. 

But this year, Bayer's Beijing plant has been expanded. To start production as planned, the plant expressed its difficulties and needs to the Administrative Approval Bureau during the application process.

The BDA's Administrative Approval Bureau responded quickly, from handling project approvals for enterprises to assisting enterprises in tax reduction and exemption, to the final joint inspection and acceptance, and gave "one-to-one" guidance, to ensure all nodes of the project proceeded as scheduled.