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BDA to build international consumption center

Updated: 2021-10-29

Five cities, including Beijing, took the lead in the cultivation of international consumption centers this July.

At the press conference "Beijing's Construction of International Consumption Center" on Oct 22, the Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area (BDA) rolled out plans to help build Beijing into such a center.

BDA to build international consumption center.png

Rendering of some planned business districts [Photo/kfqgw.beijing.gov.cn]

The BDA has adopted the "1+5+8" plan to upgrade consumption.

"1" means to support the innovative development of cutting-edge industries.

"5" represents major tasks, including "optimizing consumption space, releasing emerging consumption vitality, expanding the supply of high-quality consumption, leading the upgrading of experiential consumption, and enhancing the capacity of international consumption allocation.”

"8" covers eight actions, like creating characteristic consumption centers, innovating digital consumption, and optimizing the order of the consumer market.

Longfor Beijing E-Town Street will open next year. The BDA will then build an international consumption corridor along Ronghua Road, creating four distinctive business districts in the east, west, south and north, accroding to the BDA's Bureau of Commerce and Finance.

Currently, some major projects in the BDA are already underway, such as the Nanhaizi Sports and Leisure Industrial Park and the Beijing Smart E-sports Center.