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Sunflowers bloom here!

Updated: 2021-09-30

Recently, sunflowers in the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Area (BDA) have bloomed in the wind. This sea of golden flowers gives Beijng E-Town a dazzling appearance.


Sunflowers on the banks of the Liangshui River are like the sun, making people feel as if they are bathed in warmth.


Wandering among the sunflowers, citizens take numerous photos.


Viewing location: 220 meters southeast of Guiyuan Nanli, West Loop North Road, BDA. (Near Beijing E-Town Children's Amusement Park)

Sunflowers in Tongming Lake Park

The golden and gorgeous sunflowers stood out among the green, outlining a gorgeous landscape.

Viewing location: Kegu 2nd Street, BDA, near North Gate 1 of Tongming Lake Park.


