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BDA celebrates its 29th birthday

Updated: 2021-08-25


A glance at the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Area [Photo/kfqgw.beijing.gov.cn]

Since its establishment 29 years ago, in 1992, the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Area (BDA) has gone through many stages, including its initial construction, transformations and upgrades, and leapfrog development.

The previous test field for reform has now turned out to be a "high-quality development pioneer".

During the initial construction period, the BDA strengthened infrastructure construction, and increased the utilization rate of its resources, such as land, water, electricity, gas, and heat.

The complete infrastructure has attracted high-end projects to settle in the area. 

In 2005 alone, the area attracted a number of key business projects, including Corning, Nortel, ABB, AOC, Kraft Foods, Foxconn Phase III, Ibiden Phase II, Beijing Benz, and BOE TFT-LCD. 

Leading industries such as electronics, automobiles, medicine, and equipment also took shape at the beginning of the same year.

Then comes the transformation and upgrading stage

From 2011 to 2015, the output value of high-tech industries accounted for more than 90 percent of the BDA's total; the GDP of the area reached 108.14 billion yuan ($16.7 billion), with a growth rate higher than the average of Beijing.

During leapfrog development period, or the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" (2015-20), the BDA continued to gather more than 30,000 companies from over 40 countries and regions around the world, including more than 130 investment projects from over 90 Fortune 500 companies.

The BDA is now in its high-quality development period.

Its "Semi-Annual Economic Report" is particularly eye-catching. 

From January to June of this year, the BDA achieved a regional GDP of 125.22 billion yuan, an increase of 41.3 percent year-on-year, with its growth rate was among the highest in the city.

Its total industrial output value was 282.5 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 38.9 percent. 

Meanwhile, industrial profits of the area continue to increase rapidly. 

From January to May, the profits of industries above designated size reached 55.6 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 2.3 times, and the operating income margin amounted to 13.9 percent, an increase of 2.2 percent when compared with the same period in 2019.