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BDA launches parking guidance, reverse car search systems

Updated: 2021-08-17

To meet the travel services needs of its residents, the Urban Operation Bureau of the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Area (BDA) has launched the parking guidance system, the "ETC+Smart" parking system, and the reverse car search system this year.

To use the parking guidance system, one needs to follow the "E-Town Static Traffic" official WeChat account. The user can then search for their destination, and the account will show the remaining spaces of the current destination parking lot and the real-time free space of other parking lots within 2.5 kilometers of the selected destination.

For "ETC+Smart" parking, one only needs to bind their license plate number to Alipay or WeChat when entering the parking lot for the first time. The system then automatically deducts the fee and automatically lifts the parking arm. 

The reverse car search system can draw the best electronic map from your current location to the location of the user’s car to solve the problem of finding your car in the parking lot.