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The 2021 World Robot Conference to open in BDA

Updated: 2021-07-30

The press briefing of the 2021 World Robot Conference was held in Beijing on July 15.

The 2021 World Robot Conference will be held at the E-Town International Convention and Exhibition Center in the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Area (BDA) from August 18 to 22.


Press briefing of the 2021 World Robot Conference [Photo/kfqgw.beijing.gov.cn]

The theme of this year's robot conference is set as "sharing new achievements and injecting new incentives", and will be hosted by the Beijing Municipal People's Government, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the China Association for Science and Technology

During the conference, events such as the World Robot Expo and the World Robot Competition will be held at the same time.

The conference will be committed to promoting open cooperation and development in the global robotics field, and will provide opportunities for the entire industrial chain of robotics. 

The conference will invite over 300 top domestic and foreign scientists, representatives of international organizations and entrepreneurs from China, Russia, the United States, Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom, South Korea, Italy, Canada, and Israel. 

Academicians of the Academy of Engineering, international academicians, leaders of the State Key Laboratory, Yangtze River Scholars, outstanding youths and other authoritative and young experts will attend the meeting. 

Tianran Wang, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Ding Han, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wang Yaonan, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Gong Ke, chairman of the World Federation of Engineering Organizations, Oussama Khatib, chairman of the International Robotics Research Foundation (IFRR), Zvi Shiller, chairman of the Israel Robotics Association, and Toshio Fukuda, a foreign academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, winner of the 2017 Turing Award and former president of Stanford University John Hennessy, will be invited.

They will carry out summit talks on the frontiers of technology, technological innovation and breakthroughs, opportunities for international cooperation, and applications in emerging industries.

In addition to the main forum, there will be a number of bilateral and multilateral conferences, academic conferences and international academic sharing sessions also being held during the conference.

More than 20 thematic forums will organize industry experts to jointly conduct academic and industrial discussions. 

The direction of these discussions will be pointed towards industrial development, industry applications, technological innovation, cross-industry integration, and will involve industrial, medical, service, and special robot innovation and application, smart agriculture, smart energy, smart society law and order, and smart industrial investment.

This year's expo is composed of industrial robots, service robots, intelligent logistics robots and special robots. The four hot spots of the event have already been highlighted as the medical robots, bionic robots, humanoid robots and brain-controlled robots.