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5G development in BDA takes lead in China

Updated: 2021-07-27

The number of 5G base stations built and opened in the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Area (BDA) has grown to 1,374, and their coverage has reached 22.9 per square kilometer, exceeding the city's average level by more than six times.


5G has been put into use in almost every corner of the BDA. [Photo/kfqgw.beijing.gov.cn]

The JD 5G intelligent unmanned warehouse is just one of the 5G application scenarios that the BDA is advancing. 

With the increasing service projects, "dark factories" such as Xiaomi and E-Town Water Utilities have come into being, and typical cases such as the Beijing Benz 5G smart factory and Schneider Electric's 5G innovation laboratory have been promoted.

To allow BDA residents to enjoy the experience and fun brought by the low-latency and high-bandwidth communications of the 5G network, the BDA adopts a technical path of 5G+Gigabit broadband. Fiber service has been installed in residents' homes, the application rate of which has reached 99 percent in residential areas, so the broadband capacity in the whole area has increased by a million-fold.

A total of 2,236 5G base stations have been built and opened in the space of 225 square kilometers of Beijing E-Town, producing a base station density of one per every 9.05 square kilometers. 

According to an announcement by the Beijing Municipal Administration of Communications, by the end of April Beijing had opened 56,400 5G base stations, which was among the highest saturations in cities across China. 

The density of open 5G base stations in Beijing is 3.42 per square kilometer, compared with 22.9 per square kilometer in the BDA. The density of 5G base stations opened in the BDA is 6.7 times the city's average.