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Playing a role in carbon neutrality

Updated: 2021-06-11

The Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China held a meeting on June 3 to study the carbon neutrality action plan, emphasizing the need to play a leading role in the national emission peak and carbon neutrality action and to integrate the requirements of the carbon neutral strategy into the city's overall plan.

Responding to the call, the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Area (BDA) will establish a zero-carbon industry innovation association to form a carbon peak and carbon neutral implementation plan in the entire E-Town in the first half of 2021. 

Five leading capital companies, including companies from the BDA, launched a low-carbon development initiative at the "Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutralization Beijing Action High-end Forum" held on June 5, World Environment Day, making their own contributions to environmental protection.

The "Low-Carbon Development Initiative for Beijing’s Leading Enterprises" is the first low-carbon initiative jointly initiated by Beijing's leading enterprises. 

The five companies are Lenovo Group, Beijing Electric Power Company of State Grid, Beijing Drainage Group, Beijing Benz Automobile Co., Ltd. and Goldwind Technology Co., Ltd. 

They took the lead in supporting the national and Beijing’s carbon peak and carbon neutral strategies, carrying out low-carbon transformation, and striving to be pioneers of low-carbon actions in different industries.