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World-Class Science Lectures given in E-Town

Updated: 2021-06-10

As part of the 2021 national science and technology week, the Foreign Experts Science Lectures were recently delivered in Beijing E-Town Academy.

Nearly 500 students attended the lectures, which included ones by Professor Jean-Pierre Sauvage, winner of the 2016 Nobel Prize in Chemistry and Dr. Zhang Qijun, expert of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology.


Jean-Pierre Sauvage speaks to students. [Photo/kfqgw.beijing.gov.cn]

Jean-Pierre Sovic gave a lecture on "The Role of Molecular Machines and Motors; From Biology to Chemistry" on some applied research of molecular machines. Zhang Qijun shared his thoughts and insights through his speech "Pandemic: The War between Pathogenic Microorganisms and Humans".


Students discuss a lecture's content. [Photo/kfqgw.beijing.gov.cn]

The Beijing E-Town Academy adopts a hierarchical, classified, comprehensive, and highly selective curriculum system to fully discover and cultivate students' specialties. 

Since the establishment of the school four years ago, it has achieved fruitful results in various discipline competitions. Among them, 196 students were awarded in mathematics, 132 in physics, 134 in chemistry, 26 in biology, and 59 in informatics.

The school currently has 25 doctors and more than 160 masters in terms of faculty members. More than 60 percent of the teachers in the chemistry group have a doctoral degree. 

Meanwhile, to cultivate top talents in a certain field, the school has also set up mathematics, physics, chemistry and other high-end laboratories, according to Guan Chun, vice principal of the academy.

The Beijing E-Town Academy is not the only school that offers international education, many public and private schools as well as kindergartens in the Beijing E-Town have also introduced international teaching concepts. 

The Beijing Jianhua Experimental School, the Beijing SMIC Private School, the Yew Wah International Education School and other schools all have international departments and offer international courses. 

Besides, the Beijing SMIC Kindergarten, the Beijing 21st Century Experimental Kindergarten, the E-Town Kindergarten and other kindergartens have also introduced international teaching concepts.