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'Southeast Capital' Science and Technology Art Festival unveils

Updated: 2021-06-04

The Beijing Economic and Technological Development Area's first "Southeast Capital" Science and Technology Art Festival officially opened on May 28. 

Five series of over 100 scientific and technological cultural brand activities will be launched one after another. It is a concentrated display of Beijing's "innovative culture".

As the main platform of the Beijing International Science and Technology Innovation Center, the BDA is committed to building the "Southeast Capital" Science and Technology Art Festival into a space carrier and a characteristic display platform for Beijing's "innovative culture". 

"We not only want to awaken the innovative power and creation vitality of Beijing through a series of cross-border integration events, but also aim to take innovation as the soul, to build the power engine and value system for the cultural development of the BDA," said the person in charge.

This year's science and technology art festival focuses on celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. 

During the three-month "Southeast Capital" activity period, five series of activities were launched, along with over 100 cultural events that combine technological and artistic innovation.


In the opening ceremony, artists used powerful sculpture art, light and shadow art, and various artistic forms such as singing, martial arts, dance, and guqin instruments to praise the glorious course of the Party and its great achievements in the new era. 

Magician Li Ning lit up the "Southeast Capital" together with the onsite guests in a magical way, setting off the climax of the entire event.


Brilliant opening ceremony [Photo/etowncapital.com]


Chinese Children's Drum Troupe performs Chinese Dream: Youth Power. [Photo/etowncapital.com]


Children sing the theme song Southeast Capital in chorus. [Photo/etowncapital.com]


Shadow Tai Chi performance [Photo/etowncapital.com]


National standard ballroom dancing performance [Photo/etowncapital.com]


Singer Ren Jing sings I Sing Folk Songs for the Party. [Photo/etowncapital.com]


Velvet Flower brought by the Chinese Acrobatics School [Photo/etowncapital.com]


Guqin artist Ren Yijie performs electronic guqin [Photo/etowncapital.com]


Singer Huang Cheng sings Dedicating Everything to the Party. [Photo/etowncapital.com]


Magician Li Ning performs. [Photo/etowncapital.com]

This year's science and technology art festival is guided by the Ministry of Publicity and Culture of the BDA Working Committee, hosted by Shangyicheng Science and Culture Group, and undertaken by Xitang Culture.