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BDA's industrial enterprises above designated size increase to 342

Updated: 2021-05-25

Recently, the Business Cooperation Bureau of the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Area (BDA) announced that the number of industrial enterprises above designated size in the region has reached 342. 

Compared with the number in the same period last year, there has been a gain of 46 in one year, an increase of about 15.5 percent.

Industrial enterprises above designated size are a statistical term. 

Starting from 2011, industrial enterprises with annual main business income of 20 million yuan ($3.12 million) and above have been defined as enterprises above designated size. 

Upgrading from small and medium-sized enterprises to enterprises above designated size is a "milestone" for business development. For a region, the increase in the number of industrial enterprises above designated size also means that the momentum for high-quality development has increased.

The BDA has vigorously promoted the connection of supply and demand among enterprises, reconstructed the industrial chain and opened up the internal circulation since last year.

Among the industrial enterprises above designated size in the region, Beijing Benz's operating performance is particularly impressive. 

Last year, Beijing Benz's automobile sales increased by 7.7 percent year-on-year, and its revenue reached 169.696 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 9.4 percent.

Its triumph in operating performance has benefited from the strong automobile industry chain in the BDA formed by attracting enterprises.

As the BDA opened up its internal circulation, many companies such as Tenneco and Martinrea successively settled and cooperated with leading companies in the automotive industry. 

By opening up the BDA's internal circulation the growth momentum of the region's output value continues to strengthen. 

In the first quarter of 2021, the total industrial output value of the BDA above designated size was 139.8 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 47.4 percent.