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Shexian county to hold Huizhou culture, arts festival| Updated: January 9, 2023


A press conference takes place in Shexian to introduce the Huizhou Culture Arts Festival. [Photo/WeChat ID: huangshanribao]

Shexian county in Huangshan city, Anhui province held a press conference on Jan 7, to introduce the upcoming Huizhou Culture Arts Festival.

The festival is set to kick off on Jan 10 and run to Feb 5, featuring ancient Huizhou culture and integrating cultural heritage, tourism and folklore.


Hordes of visitors stream into Huangshan city. [Photo/]

A total of nine activities will take place, including exhibitions on the celebrated Huizhou-style bonsai tree and China's Four Treasures of Study - which are venerated by artists and collectors alike.


An ancient wall is vibrantly decorated in Huangshan city – named Xin'an, Shezhou or Huizhou in ancient times. [Photo/WeChat ID: huangshanribao]

Shexian county is the birthplace of Huizhou culture – with famous towns, villages and streets, as well as memorial archways and ancient dwellings, scattered all over the area. The number of traditional villages in Shexian ranks it first in China at the county level.

It is also known to many as being a Huizhou culture museum without a roof. The influence of Xin'an medicine, Huizhou-style architecture, the four Huizhou-style crafts of carvings – brick, stone, wood and bamboo carving – as well as Huizhou-style potted bonsai plants continues to be felt around the world.

Copyright © The Publicity Department of the CPC Huangshan Municipal Committee.
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