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  • 夸夸群 prasing groups


    Kuakuaqun, or praising groups, on WeChat, where members shower you with over-the-top compliments and positive messages are gaining popularity among college students in China.

  • 森林火灾 forest fire


    Thirty people were confirmed killed while fighting a forest fire that broke out on Saturday in the Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture, Sichuan province, the Ministry of Emergency Management said in a statement on Monday.

  • 不动产登记 immovable property registration


    China will simplify the process of and reduce the time required for immovable property registration to better serve individuals and businesses, according to a circular issued by the State Council.

  • 眼中钉 thorn in one’s flesh


    “眼中钉”,字面意思指“眼中的钉子(a sting in the eye)”,用来比喻心中最看不惯或恨之入骨的人。“某人的眼中钉”指一个人或一件事像“眼中的钉子”一样不断地惹恼你或使你痛苦(a person or thing that repeatedly annoys you or causes you pain)。

  • 门外汉 layman


    “门外汉”,字面意思指“门外的人”,常用来比喻在某一学科或活动中没有受过训练或没有经验的人(a person who is not trained or experienced in a particular subject or activity),这类人也被称作“外行”,英文可以翻译为“layman,lay person”。

  • 敲竹杠 blatant overcharging


    一个人外出旅游,人生地不熟(be a complete stranger in a place),最怕的就是被人“敲竹杠”。

  • 跟屁虫 follow somebody around like a shadow


    生活中,你是一个有主见(know one’s own mind)的人,还是一个人云亦云的“跟屁虫”?

  • 叫座 appeal to the audience


    评价一部电影时,我们经常会用到“叫好”,“叫座”这两个词汇。从字面意思来看,“叫好”比较好理解,即对于精彩的事物大声喊“好”(shout ”bravo”),表示“applaud,praise”。那么“叫座”的含义呢?

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