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夸夸群 prasing groups

Updated: 2019-04-02
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Kuakuaqun, or praising groups, on WeChat, where members shower you with over-the-top compliments and positive messages are gaining popularity among college students in China.



Praise和compliment都有“赞扬、表扬”的意思,经常可以互相替换使用,在具体用法上稍有区别。Praise可以用于对某人的成就、行为、性格等方面表示的赞许,比如:Good job at your competition就属于praise。Compliment在夸奖时多侧重某个具体方面,比如:Your hair looks nice today就是一句compliment,有时我们也翻译为“恭维”。

Some college students in praising groups said that the fad’s latest incarnation is about more than just vanity — it’s also an outlet for users to practice kindness and support each other.


Chen Kan, an associate professor in Fudan University’s psychology department, said that the praising chat groups have gone viral because they “meet a lot of psychological needs” for students seeking company, self-confidence, or flattery.


Users can purchase memberships to such groups on e-commerce platforms like Taobao for anywhere from 0.6 yuan to 188 yuan. Once admitted, members can receive flattering comments from each other and even request to be complimented on specific things.


Chen also warned that anyone giving or receiving praise in such groups should be cautious. “The biggest risk is the constant emphasis on the ‘false self,’ [which] makes it harder to see the ‘true self,’” she said.